Exclusive Designs for The Conran Shop
Here's a sneak preview of the the range of neon perspex Christmas decorations we've been working on through out the summer exclusively for The Conran Shop.
We created a range of edge lit acrylic designs consisting of Snowflakes, Reindeer, Angels, Bells, Holly and Christmas Trees. The highlight of the range is this flat-pack 50cm tall five-tier Christmas tree that is slotted together by the customer. A bold, vibrant and original centrepiece to the Christmas dining table.

We created a range of edge lit acrylic designs consisting of Snowflakes, Reindeer, Angels, Bells, Holly and Christmas Trees. The highlight of the range is this flat-pack 50cm tall five-tier Christmas tree that is slotted together by the customer. A bold, vibrant and original centrepiece to the Christmas dining table.
Shown here is also one of our oversized snowflakes that The Conran Shop have given pride of place in their amazing Christmas window displays. Plenty more images coming soon on our website.

BY STUDIO91: 600Cell website and branding!
600cell have just launched a new website www.600cell.co.uk, designed and built by us who also put together their new brand identity. The website features a grid based, editorial style design and we think its looking great. More info on the project to come soon on www.studio91design.com

A book worth reading.
Just finished 'Just my Type' by Simon Garfield. A very enjoyable read indeed. A must for anyone with an interest in Typography!
Ben Sherman - Shirt Bar
Just picked up a couple of shirts from Ben Sherman Spitalfields market. The shirts are great but the packaging was amazing, love the simplicity, the elongated bag and blind embossed 'button' icon.
BY STUDIO 91: Wedding Photography Logo
We have just designed this logo for photographer Giulietta Verdon-Roe's wedding photography service. http://www.documentmywedding.com/
Epic promo film.
Robot Repair is a bi-coastal (NYC/LA) music company that composes music and sound design for advertising, TV, film and art projects. In this epic promotional video they demonstrate how they use over 180 different musical instruments. Love the simple concept, bold colours and the addition of all those kitsch objects. Really great stuff.
Neil Pasricha and 1000 awesome things
Have a good watch of this amazing TED talk by Neil Pasricha. And if you want to waste the next 7 hours and make yourself feel really great, have a look at his blog http://1000awesomethings.com its truly amazing.
Noma Bar, The master of Negative Space
I saw Noma Bar talk about his work at the Book Club a while back. Although I already knew his illustrations it reminded me that simple, clever work always shines bright. Really really great stuff, always an inspiration.
BY STUDIO91 - Intern of the month.

Intern of the month is Alex Panay. Makes a great coffee but never for any one else... keep up the great work Alex!
BY STUDIO91 - Bramerton Client Folders
Here are some pictures of the A4 folders we designed and printed for Bramerton London as part of their branding package.
This is really strange...Russell Watkins - Photo
My new ride from Mikey at Seed Surf
Just picked up a brand new custom made board from Mikey at Seed Surfboards in Cornwall. I went for a 6'8 Stubbie Egg with a deep red/merlot tint. Thanks Mikey, its amazing.
BY STUDIO91: Straw Collective
STRAW Collective launched their debut show during London Design Festival. Straw is a new venture with Graham Smith, Ola Leander, Davide Biachi and myself (Sam Hextall - Studio91). I also helped put together the signage for the show as well as working with the group on the Straw Logo. Graham Smith came up with the icon and we all help with the fine tuning.
BY STUDIO91: Branding Roof Unit and Scan Unit

Branding for Roof Unit and sister company Scan Unit. Roof Unit is a creative workspace for photographers in East London which rents desk space as well as holding talks and events . Scan Unit is a negative scanning service for the photography community.
BY STUDIO91: Sparkling English Wine Logo

Studio 91 has designed the logo for 'Sparkling English Wine' a web based company championing and selling Sparkling Wine from England.
The two final options, shown here, combined a stylised Tudor Rose with either a Champaign glass or the twisted wire opener on the cork cage of a bottle.
The design on the right was chosen by the client.
Folly for a Flyover

Folly for a Flyover will host a six week programme of cinema, performance and play, including boat tours, screenings and drop-in workshops, produced by Assemble CIC in conjunction with CREATE 2011 and The Barbican Art Gallery.
Photo: Sam Hextall (from phone)
BY STUDIO91: Illustration by Sam Hextall

Here is an illustration I did a while ago and thought i should post. Could make a nice screen print one day. Click on the image to view at 100%.
Trevor Gordon - Wow, this guy surfs so well.
Trevor Gordon - InnerViews from www.KORDUROY.tv on Vimeo.
Really love Trevor Gordons super mellow style, its a joy to watch and I totally agree with his statement that in some cases less is more. Good also to see he is just as creative out of the water as he is in it.
Paper Cutouts - Inspired

Here are some paper cutouts by Australian designer, Bianca Chang. The 3-dimensional letterforms are created with multiple sheets of 80gsm paper. I would like to do something like this one day but what I have in mind is a little different, of course. A great piece of inspiration and an incentive to get the craft knife and cutting mat out and do that project that has been at the back of my mind for almost two years now.

Just visited Uniforms website. Uniform is a brand communication agency with a fantastic 'Our philosophy' film on their homepage. Great stuff.
Have a look at www.uniform.net
Have a look at www.uniform.net